Bike Hire on the Gold Coast, a new concept has arrived. Bike hire from an automated station at a hotel near you.
This concept is a form of bike share but is more like a bicycle vending machine. An automated and very simple to use station that holds a number of bikes available for hire. Simply swipe your credit card and a bike is released from the rack.
Being an unmanned system helps reduce the cost significantly and the stations operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year, so there is no deadline to worry about, just return the bike when you are ready.
This also means you can ride when the sun is down and the moon is up. Explore the city or coastline at night and
experience a whole new outlook.
Ride to dinner or a movie and meander back beneath the stars. Maybe you would prefer to start the day with a
refreshing bike ride before breakfast and see the sun rise over the ocean.
Spinway Gold Coast does operate slightly different to the systems in Melbourne, Brisbane and overseas as the bikes must be returned to the station they were hired from. Gold Coast City Council encourages bike riding throughout the city with a large number of top quality bike paths along the foreshore and around
the coast.
Maps are available from the Maps/Locations page